Eventdata Web Service

Description Usage URL Builder Help

The eventdata service provides access to time series data for the pre-assembled time series associated with a specific event.
The event is specified by:
        an eventid
        a catalog that identifies the source of the eventid.
Together, the eventid and catalog identity a unique event.

You can optionally specify a more restricted time interval for the time series in the event gather, either globally (for all time
series), or for any specific time series.

You can optionally select a subset of the pre-assembled time series by specifying a list of SEED network, station, location, and
channels, and optionally a restricted time range for the data channels.  If you do not specify any data channels,
all data channels assembled for the event will be returned.

Data are returned in miniSEED format.

Note that you cannot increase the time range for time series to be longer than the time range in the pre-assembled time series

NCEDC supported catalogs:

    NCSS    (NCSS = Northern CA Seismic Systems) - default
    EGS     (DOE Enhanced Geothermal Systems)

To retrieve raw waveform data in miniSEED format, submit a request by either of two methods:

	* via HTTP GET: Provide a series of parameter-value pairs in the URL that specify the event id and optionally the
	  start-time and end-time, along with the desired network(s), station(s), location(s) and channel(s) . Wildcards are supported.
	* via HTTP POST: Submit a file to the service containing a list of the desired event id and eventual networks, stations,
	  locations, channels, start-times and end-times. This service now supports wildcards.
	  The rest of this page describes the POSTing method in detail.

This service is designed to handle very large data requests and can easily be used with command line programs such as wget, curl
or similiar utilities.

POST input examples

1.  Specify an eventid, and get all channels of data associated with the event.
    Assume the data center's default catalog for the eventid.


2.  Specify an eventid, and get all channels of data associated with the event.
    Explicitly specify the catalog in case the data center has multiple catalogs for events.


3.  Specify an eventid, and get all channels of data associated with the event.
    Explicitly specify an alternative catalog.


4.  Specify an eventid, and get all only selected channels of data for the event.
    Get the full time for any data channel without a specified time.
    Explicitly specify a start and end time for some channels.
    Note that specifying a time can only REDUCE the time interval.
    It cannot EXTEND the time interval beyond the interval available
    in the pre-assembed group of waveforms.

NC * * HH?
NC * * EHZ
BP * * DP? 2013-11-01T06:20:00 2013-11-01T06:21:00

5.  Specify an eventid, and get all only selected channels of data for the event.
    Specify the (reduced) default time interval for all channels.
    Explicitly override a start and end time for selected channels.
    Note that specifying a time can only REDUCE the time interval.
    It cannot EXTEND the time interval beyond the interval available
    in the pre-assembed group of waveforms.

NC * * HH?
NC * * EHZ
BP * * DP? 2013-11-01T06:20:00 2013-11-01T06:21:00

Wildcards are allowed in all fields except date fields.

wget example Requests can be made with a selection file and the wget unix command line utility. $ cat waveform.request eventid=72099881 catalog=NCSS $ wget --post-file=waveform.request -O 72099881.miniseed https://service.ncedc.org/ncedcws/beta-eventdata/1/query This will send the request to the server and save the results in a file name 72099881.miniseed
curl example Requests can also be made with a selection file and the curl unix command line utility. $ cat waveform.request eventid=72099881 catalog=NCSS $ curl --data-binary @waveform.request -o 72099881.miniseed https://service.ncedc.org/ncedcws/beta-eventdata/1/query This will send the request to the server and save the results in a file name 72099881.miniseed