FDSN Dataselect Web Service

Description Usage URL Builder Help

The Dataselect webservice gives access to multiple channels of FDSN miniSEED data for specified time ranges.

POST Usage:

Alternately, instead of providing parameters-value pairs in the URL, a file containing a selection list can be POSTed to this service.
For the POST method, all parameters must be submitted as part of the POST body.
POST requests should be sent as plain text and should not be formatted as applcation/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.

Time and channel constraints parameters should be repeated as many times as necessary following this pattern:

All rules for parameters apply equally whether specified using the GET or POST methods with the exception of blank location IDs,
which must be specified as "--" in the POST body due to spaces being used as the field separator.


Below is a full list of service parameters and their usage.
Query: /fdsnws/dataselect/1/query?[query-parameters]
where query-parameters:
net="network" RequiredSpecify SEED network code, example net=BK. Wildcards and comma separated list are accepted.
sta="station" RequiredSpecify SEED station code, example sta=CMB. Wildcards and comma separated list are accepted.
cha="channel" RequiredSpecify SEED channel code mask, example: cha=BHE. Wildcards and comma separated list are accepted.
loc="location" RequiredSpecify SEED location code mask, example: loc=00. substitute dash characters for white space, example: loc=--. Wildcards and comma separated list are accepted.
start=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.sss] RequiredSpecifies the start-time for the miniSEED data.
end=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.sss] RequiredSpecifies the end-time for the miniSEED data.
nodata=204/404 Optional Specify which HTML status code is returned when no data is found (Default is 204).
URL Builder
URL: /fdsnws/dataselect/1/query?

Submission Form


Retrieve the WADL associated with this service: application.wadl

Version: FDSN Dataselect Service:1.1.0