The Northern California Earthquake Data Center's web services provide access to parametric information, station metadata and time series.

Web services can be accessed in a number of different ways:




The dataselect web service ( gives access to time series data for specified channels and time ranges. Data are returned in MiniSEED format.


The station web service ( provides access to station metadata in the NCEDC database. The results are returned in XML format using the FDSN StationXML schema. Users can query for station metadata by network, station, channel, location, time and other search criteria and request results at multiple levels (network, station, channel, response). It can also return information about what time series data are available at the NCEDC.


The event web service ( returns event information in the QuakeML format. Events may be selected based on location, time, contributor, catalog and internal identifiers.


The availability web service ( returns detailed time span information of what timeseries data are available at the NCEDC in JSON or text format.



The eventdata web service ( provides access to time series data for the pre-assembled time series associated with a specific event.


The sacpz web service ( provides access to poles and zeros information in SAC ASCII format. Users can query for channel response by network, station, channel, location and time.


The resp web service ( provides access to channel response information in the SEED RESP format (as used by evalresp). Users can query for channel response by network, station, channel, location and time.


The dataless web service ( provides access to channel response information in the Dataless SEED format. Users can query for channel response by network, station, channel, location and time.